
Maximo Data Management

Load, update, or verify your Maximo data

If you frequently work with sizable volumes of Maximo data, including loading, updating, verifying, or otherwise managing it in some way, testgrinder is an excellent tool for automating these tasks while avoiding the compromises that other tools may require. Because testgrinder exclusively interacts with Maximo through the browser, you can be confident that none of the Maximo rules are bypassed. Additionally, you won't need to search through logs generated by other tools to review a run, as testgrinder assembles comprehensive reports that include videos and screenshots for easy review and can serve as an audit trail.

Although testgrinder performs steps in Maximo similarly to a user, updating multiple records is significantly faster because it executes updates simultaneously. This means that although updating one record may take as long as it would manually, the overall runtime is dramatically reduced.

Example of a testgrinder data load script

The following script is an example of a testgrinder data load script. Take a moment to read through it to see for yourself how easy it is to understand its purpose. This script is designed to create a new location, assign it to the PRIMARY system, and create an asset within the location. The script is made up of two main components: the scenario with steps and the table of examples. When the script is run, the scenario will be executed once for each data row in the examples table. Any placeholders (enclosed in angular brackets < >) in the scenario will be replaced with actual data from the table during execution.

If you need to repeat the same steps on different data later on, you can simply replace the examples table with new data and execute the script again.

Script: Load Locations with Assets
 Scenario Outline: Create Asset <Asset> for Location <Location>
 Given I login to Maximo as User
 And I go to the Assets / Locations application
 And I click the 'New Location' toolbar button
 And I enter '<Location>' in the Location field
 And I enter '<Description>' in the description field of the Location field
 And I enter 'OPERATING' in the Type field
 And I enter '<GL Account>' in the 'GL Account' field
 And I successfully save the record
 Then I select action 'Associate Systems with Location'
 And I click the 'New Row' button in the 'System' table
 And I enter 'PRIMARY' in the System field
 And I enter '<Parent>' in the Parent field
 And I click the OK button
 Then I go to the Assets / Assets application
 And I click the 'New Asset' toolbar button
 And I enter '<Asset>' in the Asset field
 And I activate the detail menu for the Location field
 And I click menu item 'Select value'
 And I enter '=<Location>' in the Location filter in the unlabelled table
 And I initiate search in the unlabelled table
 And I see 1 row in the unlabelled table
 And I choose the first row in the unlabelled table
 And I see the value '<Location>' in the Location field
 And I enter '<Serial>' in the 'Serial #' field
 And I successfully save the record
 And I logout
 | Location | Asset | Parent | Description | GL Account | Serial |
 | FT26042 | A26042 | BOILER | Service Water | 099.9999.888 | 123534234 |
 | FE26052 | A26052 | BOILER | Potable Water | 099.9999.888 | 134235-543 |
 | FV26402 | A26402 | BOILER | UPW flow control | 099.9999.888 | 56234234-65 |
 | FT27032 | A27032 | BOILER | Chilled Water | 099.9999.888 | |
 | PT28032 | A28032 | BOILER | Condensate | 099.9999.888 | Z0342121312 |
 | LG28102 | A28102 | BOILER | Ammonia | 099.9999.888 | LG45542344 |

Viewer-friendly run reports

When the above script is executed in testgrinder, it generates a run report as shown below. Each row in the examples table produces a separate iteration of the scenario, which can be viewed by clicking on the corresponding row in the report. Although each iteration took approximately 85 seconds to complete, the total runtime was under two minutes as they were executed simultaneously.

testgrinder data load run report

View the run report

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