
Step Reference

Here you will find information on all available testgrinder steps. The steps are grouped into sections based on their purpose.

Features & Scenarios

In testgrinder individual test scripts are called Scenarios. Scenarios are written with testgrinder Steps. The rest of this document describes the available testgrinder steps in detail.

When writing Maximo tests you will be editing Features. A feature is a collection of related scenarios stored together as part of the same file. It is up to you how to group scenarios into features, but as the name suggests, the intent is for scenarios to be organized by the system feature being tested.

For each independent test suite you create a Project in testgrinder. A project consist of features and, optionally, folders that help you organize features.

A typical scenario starts with a step that logs in to Maximo and ends with a step that logs out of Maximo with the steps performing the actual test in between.

Feature: Access to Work Order Tracking application

  Scenario: The application shall be accessible by Administrator

    Given I login to Maximo as Administrator
     When I go to the Work Orders / Work Order Tracking application
     Then I see that the current application is 'Work Order Tracking'
      And I logout

Each feature starts with the Feature: line. It is followed by one ore many scenarios, each starting with the Scenario: line. The scenario consists of steps, each starting with one of the keywords: Given, When, Then, And, But. You may mix keywords as you see fit. The recommendation is to use Given for steps that establish the context for the test, When for steps that trigger the functionality under test, and Then for testing the expected outcomes. Use And and But for improved readability of the tests.


Sometimes you may run across a case where a Maximo screen has multiple fields, sections, or other interface elements with the same label. Most of the testgrinder steps allow you to differentiate between these elements by adding first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc in front of them.

For example, if you need to verify the value of the second field named Asset you may use this step variant:

Then I see the value 'A001' in the second Asset field

Note: to avoid making this guide less readable, and the fact that you rarely need to use this feature, we chose not to describe this feature as part of each individual step.


Steps dealing with color accept color in several formats:

  • named color (red, blue, yellow, etc)
  • hexadecimal color code - FFFF80, 808080, etc
  • rgb code - rgb(255,255,128), rgb(0,0,0), etc
  • no specific color (Maximo default color) - use regular


Steps for logging in and out of Maximo.

I login to Maximo as role

Use this step to navigate to Maximo login page by visiting the target system's Maximo URL and then signing in to Maximo as the Maximo user for the role. Roles are defined as part of the target system.

In order for the step to work correctly a user should not be currently signed in into Maximo.

To sign out the user use:

I logout


I click the 'Sign Out' titlebar button
variantI login to Maximo with the user_name user name and the password for the role role
Sign in to Maximo using a user name different than the one specified for the role.

I navigate to Maximo
Navigates to the Maximo URL defined as part of the target system.

I logout

Signs the current user out of Maximo.

It works by clicking the Sign Out link available on Maximo start centers and applications.

The step will fail if the Sign Out link is obscured or not available, e.g. if an error message or dialog is present.

You may alternatively use this step to sign out:

I click the 'Sign Out' titlebar button

I see the Maximo login page
Confirms that the current page is the Maximo login page.


Steps for working with Maximo applications.


I go to the path application

Opens the specified application by navigating the Go To menu. The path is a list of menu items (separated by /) required to click through in order to launch the application.

For example, to launch the Labor application, the path should be Administration / Resources / Labor. If a menu item has a '/' in its name, take that item into quotes like this:

Given I go to the Planning / Safety / 'Lock Out / Tag Out' application

I see that the current application is application
Use this step to check that the specified application is the currently the active application. If you need to navigate to a sub menu, use / separator between the steps.


Steps in this section target the application toolbar, where New, Save, Previous, Next, etc buttons are located which is the area below the page header, where the Go To menu is located and above the application menu bar, where Advanced Search, Save Query, and Bookmarks appear on the List tab.

I see the button toolbar button

I do not see the button toolbar button

I click the button toolbar button
Use to click the toolbar button.

To find out how to identify a toolbar button, hover the mouse over the toolbar button in Maximo and use the label displayed on the tooltip. The tooltip will show the button label and possibly a keyboard shortcut. You only need to use the button label for the step to work successfully.

I save the record
This step clicks the toolbar button Save. It does not check whether the saving succeeded.
variantI successfully save the record
This step clicks the toolbar button Save and confirms that Record has been saved. flash message appears and no system message is shown.

Select Action Menu

Steps for application selection action menu.

I select action action
Use to execute the action in the Select Action menu. If you need to drill in through sub menus, separate each step with a /, e.g. View / Work Order History. Do not enclose action in quotes, unless the action has the / in its name (e.g. View/Edit Consignment Details), in which case enclose the action in quotes to indicate that View is not a submenu to go through.

I see the action action in the Select Action menu
Use this step to check that the specified action is present in the Select Action menu. If you need to navigate to a sub menu, use / separator between the steps.

I do not see the action action in the Select Action menu
Use this step to check that the specified action is not present in the Selection Action menu. If you need to navigate to a sub menu, use / separator between the steps.

Application Menu Bar

Steps in this section target the application menu bar, where Advanced Search, Save Query, and Bookmarks appear on the List tab. The application menu bar appears on the List tab and it is located just below the application toolbar, where New, Save, Previous, Next and other buttons are located.

I click menu bar button button
Clicks an application menu bar button.

I expand the menu for the menu bar button button
Expands the menu of an application menu bar button.

I do not see the button menu bar button
Verify that the button is not present.


Steps for application titlebar, such as clicking links or buttons Start Center, Profile, Sign Out, Help, etc. Or the Return / Return With Value links for hyperlinked applications.

I click the button titlebar button
Clicks the title button, such as Profile, Help, etc, or Return, Return With Value for hyperlinked applications.
variantI click the link titlebar link
Clicks the titlebar link, such as Profile, Help, etc, or Return, Return With Value for hyperlinked applications.


Steps for application queries selection.

I expand the query selection dropdown
Expands the query selection dropdown - the one that lists All Records, All Bookmarks, and the saved queries.


Steps for application tabs.


I select the tab tab
Selects the tab.


I see the tab tab
Verifies the tab is present.

I do not see the tab tab
Verifies the tab is not present.


I see that the tab tab appears first in its group
Checks to make sure that the tab appears first in its group.
variantI see that the tab tab appears last in its group
Checks to make sure that the tab appears last in its group.
variantI see that the tab tab appears immediately to the left of the other tab
Checks to make sure that the tab appears immediately to the left of the other tab.
variantI see that the tab tab appears immediately to the right of the other tab
Checks to make sure that the tab appears immediately to the right of the other tab.


Steps for sections.

When referring to the top section that does not have its own label, use one of: top, header, unnamed, unlabeled, or unlabelled.


I see the section section
Verifies that the section is present.
variantI see the section section in the section section
Use this step variant to target the section in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see the section section in the table table
Use this step variant to target the section in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the section in table details area.
variantI see the section section in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the section in a section in table details area.
variantI see the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the section in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see the section section in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the section in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I do not see the section section
Verifies that the section is not present.
variantI do not see the section section in the section section
Use this step variant to target the section in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI do not see the section section in the table table
Use this step variant to target the section in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI do not see the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the section in table details area.
variantI do not see the section section in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the section in a section in table details area.
variantI do not see the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the section in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI do not see the section section in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the section in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

Minimizing and Maximizing

Checks that the section is minimized.
Use this step variant to target the section in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
Use this step variant to target the section in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
Use this step variant to target the section in table details area.
Use this step variant to target the section in a section in table details area.
Use this step variant to target the section in an active tab labeled tab.
Use this step variant to target the section in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

Checks that the section is maximized.
Use this step variant to target the section in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
Use this step variant to target the section in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
Use this step variant to target the section in table details area.
Use this step variant to target the section in a section in table details area.
Use this step variant to target the section in an active tab labeled tab.
Use this step variant to target the section in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

Ensures that the section is maximized. No effect if the section is already maximized.
Use this step variant to target the section in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
Use this step variant to target the section in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
Use this step variant to target the section in table details area.
Use this step variant to target the section in a section in table details area.
Use this step variant to target the section in an active tab labeled tab.
Use this step variant to target the section in a section in an active tab labeled tab.


Steps for tables.

When referring to a table that lacks a label, use one of: unnamed, unlabeled, or unlabelled.


I see the table table
Verifies that the table is present.

I do not see the table table
Verifies that the table is not present.

Querying and Sorting

Steps for filtering, querying, and sorting tables.

I enter value in the column filter in the table table
Enters the value in the filter for the column of the table.

I see the value value in the column filter in the table table
Verifies that the filter for the column in the table shows value.

I see a detail menu for the column column in the table table
Verifies that the filter field for column offers a detail menu.

I do not see a detail menu for the column column in the table table
Verifies that the filter field for column does not offer a detail menu.

I activate the detail menu for the column column in the table table
Activates the detail menu for the column in the table.

I initiate search in the table table
Initiates search in the table.

I sort the table table by the column column
Clicks the label of the column in the table in order to sort the table by that column.


Steps for interacting with table rows.

Some steps allow to specify which table row to target. These steps have the position parameter, which can be one of: current, first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc

I choose the position row in the table table
Chooses the position row in the table. Use when choosing a row on the List tab of an application or selecting a value in the Select Value dialog, or similar.

I make current the position row in the table table
Makes current (selects) the position row in the table.
variantI make current the last visible row in the table table
Makes current (selects) the last visible row in the table.

I check off the position row in the table table
Check off the Select Record checkbox on the position row in the table.

I only see the following rows in the table table:

Checks that the table only has records as defined in the parameter table. The parameter table should include one column per each table column that is being checked with the top row listing column labels.

For example:

Then I only see the following rows in the Assets table:
  | Asset | Description |
  | A001  | Asset 1     |
  | A002  | Asset 2     |


I see count visible rows in the table table
Verifies that there are count visible rows in the table.
variantI see exactly count visible rows in the table table
Verifies that there are exactly count rows visible in the table.
variantI see at least count visible rows in the table table
Verifies that there are at least count visible rows in the table.
variantI see at most count visible rows in the table table
Verifies that there are at most count visible rows in the table.
variantI see other than count visible rows in the table table
Verifies that there are other than count visible rows in the table.

I see count rows in the table table
Verifies that there are count total rows in the table.
variantI see count total number of rows in the table table
Verifies that there are count total number of rows in the table.
variantI see exactly count total number of rows in the table table
Verifies that there are exactly count total number of rows in the table.
variantI see exactly count rows in the table table
Verifies that there are exactly count total number of rows in the table.
variantI see at least count total number of rows in the table table
Verifies that there are at least count total number of rows in the table.
variantI see at least count rows in the table table
Verifies that there are at least count total number of rows in the table.
variantI see at most count total number of rows in the table table
Verifies that there are at most count total number of rows in the table.
variantI see at most count rows in the table table
Verifies that there are at most count total number of rows in the table.
variantI see other than count total number of rows in the table table
Verifies that there are other than count total number of rows in the table.
variantI see other than count rows in the table table
Verifies that there are other than count total number of rows in the table.


I move to the next page in the table table
Moves to the next page in the table by clicking its Next Page arrow.
variantI move to the previous page in the table table
Moves to the previous page in the table by clicking its Previous Page arrow.


I record the total number of rows in the table table as variable
Records the total number of rows (as displayed in the table's '## - ## of ###'' indicator) in the table as the variable.

Minimizing and Maximizing

I make sure that the table details are visible for the table table
Ensures that the table details are visible for the table.

I see that the table table is minimized
Checks that the table is minimized.

I see that the table table is maximized
Checks that the table is maximized.

I make sure that the table table is maximized
Ensures that the table is maximized. No effect if the table is already maximized.

Trash Can

I click the trash can on the position row in the table table
Clicks the trash can on the current row in the table.

I click the trash can on the position row in the table table if the row is present
Clicks the trash can on the current row if it is found on the current record in the table.

I see the trash can icon on the position row in the table table
Verifies the trash can icon is present on the current row of the table.

I do not see the trash can icon on the position row in the table table
Verifies the trash can icon is not present on the current row of the table.


Steps for table columns.

I see columns in the table table:
Checks that the listed columns appear in the table. Note that the column order is not checked. Only column presence is checked. The step parameter table should have a column titled 'column' in which you list the column labels that you expect to see. Optionally you may provide another column titled attribute, in which case the columns' help will be opened and the database attribute matched.

I do not see columns in the table table:
Checks that the listed columns do not appear in the table. The step parameter table should have a column titled 'column' in which you list the column labels that you expect not to see.

I only see these columns in this order in the table table:
Steps for checking table column ordering.

Verifies that only the columns supplied in the provided parameter table are present in the table.

If you only concerned with testing the presence and order of columns then provide a table with the columns listed:

  | column     |
  | Work Order |

If you would like to check the column's attribute then add attribute values to the table:

  | column     | attribute       |
  | Work Order | WORKORDER.WONUM |

Note: if attribute checking is required, the table needs to support filtering

I see that the column column appears first in the table table
Verifies that the column appears first in the table.

I see that the column column appears last in the table table
Verifies that the column appears last in the table.

I see that the column column appears immediately to the left of the other column in the table table
Verifies that the column appears immediately to the left of the other column in the table.

I see that the column column appears immediately to the right of the other column in the table table
Verifies that the column appears immediately to the right of the other column in the table.


Steps for operating on fields.


Steps for checking fields presence (or absence).

I see the field field
Checks that the field is displayed on the page.
variantI see the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI see the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI see the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI see the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I do not see the field field
Checks that the field is not displayed on the page.
variantI do not see the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI do not see the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI do not see the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI do not see the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI do not see the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI do not see the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI do not see the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI do not see the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI do not see the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see fields:
Checks that the listed fields appear somewhere on the page. Field order is not checked, only field presence. The step expects a parameter table with a column titled field in which you list the field labels that you expect to see. Optionally you may provide another column titled attribute, in which case the fields' help will be opened and the database attribute matched.
variantI see fields in the section section:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see fields in the section section in the parent_section section:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see fields in the table table:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see fields on the current row in the table table:
Use this step variant to target the fields on the current row in a table.
variantI see fields on the position row in the table table:
Use this step variant to target the fields on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see fields in the table table details:
Use this step variant to target the fields in table details area.
variantI see fields in the section section in the table table details:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a section in table details area.
variantI see fields in the tab tab:
Use this step variant to target the fields in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see fields in the section section in the tab tab:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I do not see fields:
Checks that the listed fields do not appear anywhere on the page. The step parameter table should have a column titled field in which you list the field labels that you expect not to see.
variantI do not see fields in the section section:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI do not see fields in the section section in the parent_section section:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI do not see fields in the table table:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI do not see fields on the current row in the table table:
Use this step variant to target the fields on the current row in a table.
variantI do not see fields on the position row in the table table:
Use this step variant to target the fields on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI do not see fields in the table table details:
Use this step variant to target the fields in table details area.
variantI do not see fields in the section section in the table table details:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a section in table details area.
variantI do not see fields in the tab tab:
Use this step variant to target the fields in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI do not see fields in the section section in the tab tab:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I do not see any fields on the tab tab
Checks that no fields appear anywhere on the tab.

I only see these fields in this order:
Checks that only the listed fields do appear on the page. The step parameter table should have a column titled field in which you list the field labels that you expect not to see. Optionally you may provide another column titled attribute, in which case the fields' help will be opened and the database attribute matched.
variantI only see these fields in this order in the section section:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI only see these fields in this order in the section section in the parent_section section:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI only see these fields in this order in the table table:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI only see these fields in this order on the current row in the table table:
Use this step variant to target the fields on the current row in a table.
variantI only see these fields in this order on the position row in the table table:
Use this step variant to target the fields on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI only see these fields in this order in the table table details:
Use this step variant to target the fields in table details area.
variantI only see these fields in this order in the section section in the table table details:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a section in table details area.
variantI only see these fields in this order in the tab tab:
Use this step variant to target the fields in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI only see these fields in this order in the section section in the tab tab:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see that the field field appears immediately direction the other field
Checks that the field appears immediately above or below the other field somewhere on the page

direction can be either above or below

variantI see that the field field appears immediately direction the other field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see that the field field appears immediately direction the other field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see that the field field appears immediately direction the other field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see that the field field appears immediately direction the other field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI see that the field field appears immediately direction the other field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI see that the field field appears immediately direction the other field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see that the field field appears immediately direction the other field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see these fields in this order immediately direction the field field:
Checks that the listed fields appear above or below the field in the specified order.

direction can be either above or below

The step expects a parameter table with a column titled field in which you list the field labels that you expect to see. Optionally you may provide another column titled attribute, in which case the fields' help will be opened and the database attribute matched.

variantI see these fields in this order immediately direction the field field in the section section:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see these fields in this order immediately direction the field field in the section section in the parent_section section:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see these fields in this order immediately direction the field field on the position row in the table table:
Use this step variant to target the fields on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see these fields in this order immediately direction the field field in the table table details:
Use this step variant to target the fields in table details area.
variantI see these fields in this order immediately direction the field field in the section section in the table table details:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a section in table details area.
variantI see these fields in this order immediately direction the field field in the tab tab:
Use this step variant to target the fields in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see these fields in this order immediately direction the field field in the section section in the tab tab:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see these fields in this order:
Checks that the specified fields appears in the specified order.

The step expects a parameter table with a column titled field in which you list the field labels that you expect to see. Optionally you may provide another column titled attribute, in which case the fields' help will be opened and the database attribute matched.

variantI see these fields in this order in the section section:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see these fields in this order in the section section in the parent_section section:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see these fields in this order on the position row in the table table:
Use this step variant to target the fields on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see these fields in this order in the table table details:
Use this step variant to target the fields in table details area.
variantI see these fields in this order in the section section in the table table details:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a section in table details area.
variantI see these fields in this order in the tab tab:
Use this step variant to target the fields in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see these fields in this order in the section section in the tab tab:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see that the field field appears at the top of its column
Checks that the field appears at the top of its column.
variantI see that the field field appears at the top of its column in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see that the field field appears at the top of its column in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see that the field field appears at the top of its column on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see that the field field appears at the top of its column in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI see that the field field appears at the top of its column in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI see that the field field appears at the top of its column in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see that the field field appears at the top of its column in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.


Steps for verifying field values.

I see the value value in the field field
Verifies that the field shows the value.
variantI see the value value in the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see the value value in the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see the value value in the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see the value value in the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI see the value value in the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see the value value in the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI see the value value in the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI see the value value in the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see the value value in the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I do not see the value value in the field field
Confirms that the field has a value other than value.
variantI do not see the value value in the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI do not see the value value in the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI do not see the value value in the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI do not see the value value in the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI do not see the value value in the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI do not see the value value in the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI do not see the value value in the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI do not see the value value in the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI do not see the value value in the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see these values in the following fields:
This step verifies values in several fields. The supplied parameter table is expected to have two columns - field and value.
variantI see these values in the following fields in the section section:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see these values in the following fields in the section section in the parent_section section:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see these values in the following fields in the table table:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see these values in the following fields on the current row in the table table:
Use this step variant to target the fields on the current row in a table.
variantI see these values in the following fields on the position row in the table table:
Use this step variant to target the fields on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see these values in the following fields in the table table details:
Use this step variant to target the fields in table details area.
variantI see these values in the following fields in the section section in the table table details:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a section in table details area.
variantI see these values in the following fields in the tab tab:
Use this step variant to target the fields in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see these values in the following fields in the section section in the tab tab:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see the value value in the description field of the field field
Verifies that the description field of field shows the value.
variantI see the value value in the description field of the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see the value value in the description field of the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see the value value in the description field of the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see the value value in the description field of the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI see the value value in the description field of the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see the value value in the description field of the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI see the value value in the description field of the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI see the value value in the description field of the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see the value value in the description field of the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see an empty value in the field field
Verifies that the value is empty in the field.
variantI see an empty value in the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see an empty value in the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see an empty value in the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see an empty value in the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI see an empty value in the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see an empty value in the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI see an empty value in the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI see an empty value in the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see an empty value in the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see an empty value in the description field of the field field
Verifies that the value is empty in the description field of the field.
variantI see an empty value in the description field of the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see an empty value in the description field of the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see an empty value in the description field of the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see an empty value in the description field of the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI see an empty value in the description field of the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see an empty value in the description field of the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI see an empty value in the description field of the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI see an empty value in the description field of the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see an empty value in the description field of the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see that the value starts with prefix in the field field
Checks that the value in the field starts with prefix.
variantI see that the value starts with prefix in the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see that the value starts with prefix in the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see that the value starts with prefix in the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see that the value starts with prefix in the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI see that the value starts with prefix in the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see that the value starts with prefix in the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI see that the value starts with prefix in the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI see that the value starts with prefix in the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see that the value starts with prefix in the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see today's date in the field field
Confirms that the field shows today's date in it. Only works with date fields, it will not work with date/time fields.
variantI see today's date in the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see today's date in the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see today's date in the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see today's date in the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI see today's date in the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see today's date in the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI see today's date in the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI see today's date in the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see today's date in the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see today's date and time in the field field
Confirms that the field value is equal to the current date and time within 5 minutes.
variantI see today's date and time in the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see today's date and time in the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see today's date and time in the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see today's date and time in the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI see today's date and time in the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see today's date and time in the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI see today's date and time in the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI see today's date and time in the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see today's date and time in the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see a value in the field field
Reads the field value and confirms that it is not empty.
variantI see a value in the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see a value in the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see a value in the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see a value in the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI see a value in the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see a value in the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI see a value in the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI see a value in the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see a value in the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see a value in the description field of the field field
Reads the description field value for the field and confirms that it is not empty.
variantI see a value in the description field of the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see a value in the description field of the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see a value in the description field of the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see a value in the description field of the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI see a value in the description field of the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see a value in the description field of the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI see a value in the description field of the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI see a value in the description field of the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see a value in the description field of the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see an empty value in the field richtext field
Verifies that the richtext field shows an empty value.

If the richtext field is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.

variantI see an empty value in the field richtext field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the richtext field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see an empty value in the field richtext field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the richtext field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see an empty value in the field richtext field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the richtext field in table details area.
variantI see an empty value in the field richtext field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the richtext field in a section in table details area.
variantI see an empty value in the field richtext field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the richtext field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see an empty value in the field richtext field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the richtext field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see a value in the field richtext field
Verifies that the richtext field shows some value.

If the richtext field is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.

variantI see a value in the field richtext field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the richtext field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see a value in the field richtext field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the richtext field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see a value in the field richtext field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the richtext field in table details area.
variantI see a value in the field richtext field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the richtext field in a section in table details area.
variantI see a value in the field richtext field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the richtext field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see a value in the field richtext field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the richtext field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see the following value in the field richtext field

Verifies that the richtext field has the value supplied as the multiline argument.

Supply the field value after the step delineating it with lines containing three double quotes, like so:

Then I see the following value in the 'Message' richtext field
  This is the value we expect to see in the richtext field.
  Note that is may span multiple lines.
variantI see the following value in the field richtext field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the richtext field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see the following value in the field richtext field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the richtext field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see the following value in the field richtext field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the richtext field in table details area.
variantI see the following value in the field richtext field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the richtext field in a section in table details area.
variantI see the following value in the field richtext field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the richtext field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see the following value in the field richtext field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the richtext field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I record the value in the field richtext field as variable
Records the value in the richtext field as variable.

If the richtext field is unlabeled, use unnamed, unlabeled, or unlabelled.

variantI record the value in the field richtext field in the section section as variable
Use this step variant to target the richtext field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI record the value in the field richtext field in the section section in the parent_section section as variable
Use this step variant to target the richtext field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI record the value in the field richtext field in the table table details as variable
Use this step variant to target the richtext field in table details area.
variantI record the value in the field richtext field in the section section in the table table details as variable
Use this step variant to target the richtext field in a section in table details area.
variantI record the value in the field richtext field in the tab tab as variable
Use this step variant to target the richtext field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI record the value in the field richtext field in the section section in the tab tab as variable
Use this step variant to target the richtext field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.


Steps for verifying field modes (read-only, required, etc).

I see that the field field is mode
Tests for the field to be in one of the following mode: read-only (or readonly), editable, required, not required
variantI see that the field field is mode in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see that the field field is mode in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see that the field field is mode in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see that the field field is mode on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI see that the field field is mode on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see that the field field is mode in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI see that the field field is mode in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI see that the field field is mode in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see that the field field is mode in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see that the description field of the field field is mode
Tests for the description field of the field to be in one of the following mode: read-only (or readonly), editable, required, not required
variantI see that the description field of the field field is mode in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see that the description field of the field field is mode in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see that the description field of the field field is mode in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see that the description field of the field field is mode on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI see that the description field of the field field is mode on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see that the description field of the field field is mode in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI see that the description field of the field field is mode in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI see that the description field of the field field is mode in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see that the description field of the field field is mode in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see fields input mode as:
Verifies input mode of the specified fields. The order of fields is not important.

The step expects a parameter table with fields and their expected input modes. The table must have two columns: field and mode

mode can be one of: read-only (or readonly), editable, required, not required

variantI see fields input mode in the section section as:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see fields input mode in the section section in the parent_section section as:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see fields input mode in the table table as:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see fields input mode on the current row in the table table as:
Use this step variant to target the fields on the current row in a table.
variantI see fields input mode on the position row in the table table as:
Use this step variant to target the fields on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see fields input mode in the table table details as:
Use this step variant to target the fields in table details area.
variantI see fields input mode in the section section in the table table details as:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a section in table details area.
variantI see fields input mode in the tab tab as:
Use this step variant to target the fields in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see fields input mode in the section section in the tab tab as:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a section in an active tab labeled tab.


I see these values in the dropdown list for the field field:
Verifies that the listed entries are present in the dropdown list for the field. The order and exclusiveness of the list is not checked. The parameter table of entries is a simple list of values (no header).
variantI see these values in the dropdown list for the field field in the section section:
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see these values in the dropdown list for the field field in the section section in the parent_section section:
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see these values in the dropdown list for the field field in the table table:
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see these values in the dropdown list for the field field on the current row in the table table:
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI see these values in the dropdown list for the field field on the position row in the table table:
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see these values in the dropdown list for the field field in the table table details:
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI see these values in the dropdown list for the field field in the section section in the table table details:
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI see these values in the dropdown list for the field field in the tab tab:
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see these values in the dropdown list for the field field in the section section in the tab tab:
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I do not see these values in the dropdown list for the field field:
Verifies that the listed entries are not present in the dropdown list for the field. The table of entries is a simple list of values (no header).
variantI do not see these values in the dropdown list for the field field in the section section:
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI do not see these values in the dropdown list for the field field in the section section in the parent_section section:
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI do not see these values in the dropdown list for the field field in the table table:
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI do not see these values in the dropdown list for the field field on the current row in the table table:
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI do not see these values in the dropdown list for the field field on the position row in the table table:
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI do not see these values in the dropdown list for the field field in the table table details:
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI do not see these values in the dropdown list for the field field in the section section in the table table details:
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI do not see these values in the dropdown list for the field field in the tab tab:
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI do not see these values in the dropdown list for the field field in the section section in the tab tab:
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I open the dropdown list for the field field
Opens the dropdown list for the field.
variantI open the dropdown list for the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI open the dropdown list for the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI open the dropdown list for the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI open the dropdown list for the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI open the dropdown list for the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI open the dropdown list for the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI open the dropdown list for the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI open the dropdown list for the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI open the dropdown list for the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I select value in the dropdown list for the field field
Selects the value in the dropdown list for the field, openning the dropdown if needed.
variantI select value in the dropdown list for the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI select value in the dropdown list for the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI select value in the dropdown list for the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI select value in the dropdown list for the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI select value in the dropdown list for the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI select value in the dropdown list for the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI select value in the dropdown list for the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI select value in the dropdown list for the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI select value in the dropdown list for the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.


I see that the field field is displayed in color color
Verifies that the field is displayed in color.
variantI see that the field field is displayed in color color in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see that the field field is displayed in color color in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see that the field field is displayed in color color in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see that the field field is displayed in color color on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI see that the field field is displayed in color color on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see that the field field is displayed in color color in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI see that the field field is displayed in color color in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI see that the field field is displayed in color color in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see that the field field is displayed in color color in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see that the field field is displayed in color background color
Verifies that the field is displayed in background color.
variantI see that the field field is displayed in color background color in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see that the field field is displayed in color background color in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see that the field field is displayed in color background color in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see that the field field is displayed in color background color on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI see that the field field is displayed in color background color on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see that the field field is displayed in color background color in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI see that the field field is displayed in color background color in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI see that the field field is displayed in color background color in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see that the field field is displayed in color background color in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see that the field field label is displayed in color color
Verifies that the field label is displayed in color.
variantI see that the field field label is displayed in color color in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see that the field field label is displayed in color color in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see that the field field label is displayed in color color in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI see that the field field label is displayed in color color in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI see that the field field label is displayed in color color in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see that the field field label is displayed in color color in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see that the field field label is displayed in color background color
Verifies that the field label is displayed in background color.
variantI see that the field field label is displayed in color background color in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see that the field field label is displayed in color background color in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see that the field field label is displayed in color background color in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI see that the field field label is displayed in color background color in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI see that the field field label is displayed in color background color in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see that the field field label is displayed in color background color in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see that the description field of the field field is displayed in color background color
Verify that the description field of the field is displayed in color.
variantI see that the description field of the field field is displayed in color background color in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see that the description field of the field field is displayed in color background color in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see that the description field of the field field is displayed in color background color in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see that the description field of the field field is displayed in color background color on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI see that the description field of the field field is displayed in color background color on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see that the description field of the field field is displayed in color background color in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI see that the description field of the field field is displayed in color background color in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI see that the description field of the field field is displayed in color background color in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see that the description field of the field field is displayed in color background color in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.


Steps for checking presence of field indicators - Warning, Error, Question, and Smart Fill Indicators that appear next to fields.

I see a warning indicator next to the field field
Verifies that the field has a warning indicator next to it.
variantI see a warning indicator next to the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see a warning indicator next to the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see a warning indicator next to the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see a warning indicator next to the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI see a warning indicator next to the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see a warning indicator next to the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI see a warning indicator next to the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI see a warning indicator next to the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see a warning indicator next to the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I do not see a warning indicator next to the field field
Verifies that the field does not have a warning indicator next to it.
variantI do not see a warning indicator next to the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI do not see a warning indicator next to the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI do not see a warning indicator next to the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI do not see a warning indicator next to the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI do not see a warning indicator next to the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI do not see a warning indicator next to the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI do not see a warning indicator next to the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI do not see a warning indicator next to the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI do not see a warning indicator next to the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I click the warning indicator next to the field field
Clicks the warning indicator next to the field in order to bring up its tooltip
variantI click the warning indicator next to the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI click the warning indicator next to the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI click the warning indicator next to the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI click the warning indicator next to the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI click the warning indicator next to the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI click the warning indicator next to the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI click the warning indicator next to the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI click the warning indicator next to the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI click the warning indicator next to the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see an error indicator next to the field field
Verifies that the field has an error indicator next to it.
variantI see an error indicator next to the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see an error indicator next to the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see an error indicator next to the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see an error indicator next to the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI see an error indicator next to the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see an error indicator next to the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI see an error indicator next to the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI see an error indicator next to the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see an error indicator next to the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I do not see an error indicator next to the field field
Verifies that the field does not have an error indicator next to it.
variantI do not see an error indicator next to the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI do not see an error indicator next to the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI do not see an error indicator next to the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI do not see an error indicator next to the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI do not see an error indicator next to the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI do not see an error indicator next to the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI do not see an error indicator next to the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI do not see an error indicator next to the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI do not see an error indicator next to the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I click the error indicator next to the field field
Clicks the error indicator next to the field in order to bring up its tooltip.
variantI click the error indicator next to the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI click the error indicator next to the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI click the error indicator next to the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI click the error indicator next to the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI click the error indicator next to the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI click the error indicator next to the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI click the error indicator next to the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI click the error indicator next to the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI click the error indicator next to the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see an error indicator next to the description field of the field field
Verifies that the description field of the field has an error indicator next to it.
variantI see an error indicator next to the description field of the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see an error indicator next to the description field of the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see an error indicator next to the description field of the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see an error indicator next to the description field of the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI see an error indicator next to the description field of the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see an error indicator next to the description field of the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI see an error indicator next to the description field of the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI see an error indicator next to the description field of the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see an error indicator next to the description field of the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I do not see an error indicator next to the description field of the field field
Verifies that the description field of the field does not have an error indicator next to it.
variantI do not see an error indicator next to the description field of the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI do not see an error indicator next to the description field of the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI do not see an error indicator next to the description field of the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI do not see an error indicator next to the description field of the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI do not see an error indicator next to the description field of the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI do not see an error indicator next to the description field of the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI do not see an error indicator next to the description field of the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI do not see an error indicator next to the description field of the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI do not see an error indicator next to the description field of the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I click the error indicator next to the description field of the field field
Clicks the error indicator next to the description of the field in order to bring up its tooltip.
variantI click the error indicator next to the description field of the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI click the error indicator next to the description field of the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI click the error indicator next to the description field of the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI click the error indicator next to the description field of the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI click the error indicator next to the description field of the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI click the error indicator next to the description field of the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI click the error indicator next to the description field of the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI click the error indicator next to the description field of the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI click the error indicator next to the description field of the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see a question indicator next to the field field
Verifies that the field has a question indicator next to it.
variantI see a question indicator next to the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see a question indicator next to the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see a question indicator next to the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see a question indicator next to the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI see a question indicator next to the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see a question indicator next to the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI see a question indicator next to the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI see a question indicator next to the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see a question indicator next to the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I do not see a question indicator next to the field field
Verifies that the field does not have a question indicator next to it.
variantI do not see a question indicator next to the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI do not see a question indicator next to the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI do not see a question indicator next to the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI do not see a question indicator next to the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI do not see a question indicator next to the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI do not see a question indicator next to the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI do not see a question indicator next to the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI do not see a question indicator next to the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI do not see a question indicator next to the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I click the question indicator next to the field field
Clicks the question indicator next to the field in order to bring up its tooltip.
variantI click the question indicator next to the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI click the question indicator next to the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI click the question indicator next to the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI click the question indicator next to the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI click the question indicator next to the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI click the question indicator next to the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI click the question indicator next to the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI click the question indicator next to the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI click the question indicator next to the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see a smart fill indicator next to the field field
Verifies that the field has a smart fill indicator next to it.
variantI see a smart fill indicator next to the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see a smart fill indicator next to the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see a smart fill indicator next to the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see a smart fill indicator next to the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI see a smart fill indicator next to the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see a smart fill indicator next to the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI see a smart fill indicator next to the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI see a smart fill indicator next to the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see a smart fill indicator next to the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I do not see a smart fill indicator next to the field field
Verifies that the field does not have a smart fill indicator next to it.
variantI do not see a smart fill indicator next to the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI do not see a smart fill indicator next to the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI do not see a smart fill indicator next to the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI do not see a smart fill indicator next to the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI do not see a smart fill indicator next to the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI do not see a smart fill indicator next to the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI do not see a smart fill indicator next to the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI do not see a smart fill indicator next to the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI do not see a smart fill indicator next to the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I click the smart fill indicator next to the field field
Clicks the smart fill indicator next to the field in order to bring up its tooltip.
variantI click the smart fill indicator next to the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI click the smart fill indicator next to the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI click the smart fill indicator next to the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI click the smart fill indicator next to the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI click the smart fill indicator next to the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI click the smart fill indicator next to the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI click the smart fill indicator next to the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI click the smart fill indicator next to the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI click the smart fill indicator next to the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.


Steps for entering field values.

When checking/unchecking checkboxes you may either use dedicated to checkboxes steps or use generic field value entry steps. In the latter case, use special values of checked, yes, or 1 for checking off checkboxes. Or unchecked, no, or 0 for unchecking. This is especially convenient when using steps that change values of multiple fields at once.

For example, any of these with check off a checkbox:

I check off the Active checkbox
I enter checked in the Active field
I enter yes in the Active field
I enter 1 in the Active field

conversely, to uncheck:

I uncheck the Active checkbox
I enter unchecked in the Active field
I enter no in the Active field
I enter 0 in the Active field

I enter value in the field field
Enters value in the field.
variantI enter value in the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI enter value in the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI enter value in the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI enter value in the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI enter value in the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI enter value in the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI enter value in the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI enter value in the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI enter value in the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I enter value in the description field of the field field
Enters value in the description field of the field.
variantI enter value in the description field of the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI enter value in the description field of the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI enter value in the description field of the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI enter value in the description field of the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI enter value in the description field of the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI enter value in the description field of the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI enter value in the description field of the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI enter value in the description field of the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI enter value in the description field of the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I enter these values in the following fields:
Enters values in several fields. The supplied parameter table is expected to have two columns - field and value.
variantI enter these values in the following fields in the section section:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI enter these values in the following fields in the section section in the parent_section section:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI enter these values in the following fields in the table table:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI enter these values in the following fields on the current row in the table table:
Use this step variant to target the fields on the current row in a table.
variantI enter these values in the following fields on the position row in the table table:
Use this step variant to target the fields on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI enter these values in the following fields in the table table details:
Use this step variant to target the fields in table details area.
variantI enter these values in the following fields in the section section in the table table details:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a section in table details area.
variantI enter these values in the following fields in the tab tab:
Use this step variant to target the fields in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI enter these values in the following fields in the section section in the tab tab:
Use this step variant to target the fields in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I enter the following value in the field field

This step is for multiline field entry.

Supply the field value after the step with lines surrounded by three double quotes, like so:

When I enter the following value in the 'Where Clause' field
  exists (select 1 from locations l where l.location = asset.location and l.siteid = asset.siteid)
  and exists (select 1 from workorder w where w.assetnum = asset.assetnum and w.siteid = asset.siteid)
variantI enter the following value in the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI enter the following value in the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI enter the following value in the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI enter the following value in the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI enter the following value in the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI enter the following value in the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI enter the following value in the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI enter the following value in the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI enter the following value in the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I enter value in the long description editor
Enter a long description value into the Long Description dialog by clicking the Clear button and then entering the value into the richtext field.

I enter the following value in the field richtext field

Enters the supplied value in the richtext field. If the field does not have a label, use unnamed or unlabeled for field.

Supply the field value after the step delineating it with lines with three double quotes, like so:

Then I enter the following value in the 'Message' richtext field
  This is a message.
  It spans many lines.
variantI enter the following value in the field richtext field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the richtext field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI enter the following value in the field richtext field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the richtext field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI enter the following value in the field richtext field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the richtext field in table details area.
variantI enter the following value in the field richtext field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the richtext field in a section in table details area.
variantI enter the following value in the field richtext field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the richtext field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI enter the following value in the field richtext field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the richtext field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

Detail Menu

Steps for interacting with a field's detail menu.

I see a detail menu for the field field
Verifies that a detail menu exists for the field.
variantI see a detail menu for the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see a detail menu for the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see a detail menu for the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see a detail menu for the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI see a detail menu for the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see a detail menu for the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI see a detail menu for the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI see a detail menu for the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see a detail menu for the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I do not see a detail menu for the field field
Verifies that a detail menu does not exist for the field.
variantI do not see a detail menu for the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI do not see a detail menu for the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI do not see a detail menu for the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI do not see a detail menu for the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI do not see a detail menu for the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI do not see a detail menu for the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI do not see a detail menu for the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI do not see a detail menu for the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI do not see a detail menu for the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see that the field field detail menu has the entry entry
Verifies that the field's detail menu as the entry.
variantI see that the field field detail menu has the entry entry in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see that the field field detail menu has the entry entry in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see that the field field detail menu has the entry entry in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see that the field field detail menu has the entry entry on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI see that the field field detail menu has the entry entry on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see that the field field detail menu has the entry entry in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI see that the field field detail menu has the entry entry in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI see that the field field detail menu has the entry entry in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see that the field field detail menu has the entry entry in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I activate the detail menu for the field field
Activates the detail menu for the field.
variantI activate the detail menu for the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI activate the detail menu for the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI activate the detail menu for the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI activate the detail menu for the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI activate the detail menu for the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI activate the detail menu for the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI activate the detail menu for the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI activate the detail menu for the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI activate the detail menu for the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I activate the detail menu for the description field of the field field
Activates the detail menu for the description field of the field.
variantI activate the detail menu for the description field of the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI activate the detail menu for the description field of the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI activate the detail menu for the description field of the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI activate the detail menu for the description field of the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI activate the detail menu for the description field of the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI activate the detail menu for the description field of the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI activate the detail menu for the description field of the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI activate the detail menu for the description field of the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI activate the detail menu for the description field of the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.


I select the file file for upload in the field field
Select the file from the files folder for upload in the field.


Steps for checkboxes.

I see that the checkbox checkbox is checked
Verifies that the checkbox state is checked.
variantI see that the checkbox checkbox is checked in the section section
Use this step variant to target the checkbox in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see that the checkbox checkbox is checked in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the checkbox in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see that the checkbox checkbox is checked in the table table
Use this step variant to target the checkbox in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see that the checkbox checkbox is checked on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the checkbox on the current row in a table.
variantI see that the checkbox checkbox is checked on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the checkbox on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see that the checkbox checkbox is checked in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the checkbox in table details area.
variantI see that the checkbox checkbox is checked in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the checkbox in a section in table details area.
variantI see that the checkbox checkbox is checked in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the checkbox in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see that the checkbox checkbox is checked in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the checkbox in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see that the checkbox checkbox is unchecked
Verifies that the checkbox state is unchecked.
variantI see that the checkbox checkbox is unchecked in the section section
Use this step variant to target the checkbox in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see that the checkbox checkbox is unchecked in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the checkbox in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see that the checkbox checkbox is unchecked in the table table
Use this step variant to target the checkbox in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see that the checkbox checkbox is unchecked on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the checkbox on the current row in a table.
variantI see that the checkbox checkbox is unchecked on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the checkbox on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see that the checkbox checkbox is unchecked in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the checkbox in table details area.
variantI see that the checkbox checkbox is unchecked in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the checkbox in a section in table details area.
variantI see that the checkbox checkbox is unchecked in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the checkbox in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see that the checkbox checkbox is unchecked in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the checkbox in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I check off the checkbox checkbox
Checks off the checkbox.
variantI check off the checkbox checkbox in the section section
Use this step variant to target the checkbox in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI check off the checkbox checkbox in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the checkbox in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI check off the checkbox checkbox in the table table
Use this step variant to target the checkbox in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI check off the checkbox checkbox on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the checkbox on the current row in a table.
variantI check off the checkbox checkbox on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the checkbox on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI check off the checkbox checkbox in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the checkbox in table details area.
variantI check off the checkbox checkbox in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the checkbox in a section in table details area.
variantI check off the checkbox checkbox in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the checkbox in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI check off the checkbox checkbox in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the checkbox in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I uncheck the checkbox checkbox
Unchecks the checkbox.
variantI uncheck the checkbox checkbox in the section section
Use this step variant to target the checkbox in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI uncheck the checkbox checkbox in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the checkbox in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI uncheck the checkbox checkbox in the table table
Use this step variant to target the checkbox in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI uncheck the checkbox checkbox on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the checkbox on the current row in a table.
variantI uncheck the checkbox checkbox on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the checkbox on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI uncheck the checkbox checkbox in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the checkbox in table details area.
variantI uncheck the checkbox checkbox in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the checkbox in a section in table details area.
variantI uncheck the checkbox checkbox in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the checkbox in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI uncheck the checkbox checkbox in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the checkbox in a section in an active tab labeled tab.


I enter the user name for the role role in the field field
Enters the Maximo user name for the role in the field.
variantI enter the user name for the role role in the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI enter the user name for the role role in the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI enter the user name for the role role in the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI enter the user name for the role role in the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI enter the user name for the role role in the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI enter the user name for the role role in the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI enter the user name for the role role in the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI enter the user name for the role role in the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI enter the user name for the role role in the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I enter the password for the role role in the field field
Enters the Maximo password for the role in the field. Can only be applied to fields marked as password fields to avoid exposing the password. An example of such field is the Password field on the eSig dialog.
variantI enter the password for the role role in the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI enter the password for the role role in the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI enter the password for the role role in the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI enter the password for the role role in the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI enter the password for the role role in the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI enter the password for the role role in the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI enter the password for the role role in the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI enter the password for the role role in the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI enter the password for the role role in the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I record the user name for the role role as variable
Records the user name for role as the variable.


I click the field field
Clicks the field. May be used to change the state of a checkbox to the opposite.
variantI click the field field in the section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI click the field field in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI click the field field in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI click the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI click the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI click the field field in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI click the field field in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI click the field field in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI click the field field in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.


Steps for buttons.


Step for checking button presence (or absence).

I see the button button
Verifies the button is present.
variantI see the button button in the section section
Use this step variant to target the button in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see the button button in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the button in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see the button button in the table table
Use this step variant to target the button in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see the button button on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the button on the current row in a table.
variantI see the button button on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the button on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see the button button in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the button in table details area.
variantI see the button button in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the button in a section in table details area.
variantI see the button button in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the button in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see the button button in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the button in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I do not see the button button
Verifies the button is not present.
variantI do not see the button button in the section section
Use this step variant to target the button in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI do not see the button button in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the button in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI do not see the button button in the table table
Use this step variant to target the button in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI do not see the button button on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the button on the current row in a table.
variantI do not see the button button on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the button on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI do not see the button button in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the button in table details area.
variantI do not see the button button in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the button in a section in table details area.
variantI do not see the button button in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the button in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI do not see the button button in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the button in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see that the button button is disabled
Verifies the button is disabled.
variantI see that the button button is disabled in the section section
Use this step variant to target the button in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see that the button button is disabled in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the button in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see that the button button is disabled in the table table
Use this step variant to target the button in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see that the button button is disabled on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the button on the current row in a table.
variantI see that the button button is disabled on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the button on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see that the button button is disabled in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the button in table details area.
variantI see that the button button is disabled in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the button in a section in table details area.
variantI see that the button button is disabled in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the button in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see that the button button is disabled in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the button in a section in an active tab labeled tab.


I click the button button
Click the button.
variantI click the button button in the section section
Use this step variant to target the button in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI click the button button in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the button in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI click the button button in the table table
Use this step variant to target the button in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI click the button button on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the button on the current row in a table.
variantI click the button button on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the button on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI click the button button in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the button in table details area.
variantI click the button button in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the button in a section in table details area.
variantI click the button button in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the button in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI click the button button in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the button in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

Radio Buttons


Step for checking radio button presence (or absence).

I see the radio_button radio button
Verifies the radio_button is present.
variantI see the radio_button radio button in the section section
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see the radio_button radio button in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see the radio_button radio button in the table table
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see the radio_button radio button on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the radio button on the current row in a table.
variantI see the radio_button radio button on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the radio button on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see the radio_button radio button in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the radio button in table details area.
variantI see the radio_button radio button in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a section in table details area.
variantI see the radio_button radio button in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the radio button in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see the radio_button radio button in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group
Verifies the radio_button is present.
variantI see the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group in the section section
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group in the table table
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group on the current row in a table.
variantI see the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in table details area.
variantI see the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in a section in table details area.
variantI see the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I do not see the radio_button radio button
Verifies the radio_button is not present.
variantI do not see the radio_button radio button in the section section
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI do not see the radio_button radio button in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI do not see the radio_button radio button in the table table
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI do not see the radio_button radio button on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the radio button on the current row in a table.
variantI do not see the radio_button radio button on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the radio button on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI do not see the radio_button radio button in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the radio button in table details area.
variantI do not see the radio_button radio button in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a section in table details area.
variantI do not see the radio_button radio button in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the radio button in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI do not see the radio_button radio button in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I do not see the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group
Verifies the radio_button is not present.
variantI do not see the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group in the section section
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI do not see the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI do not see the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group in the table table
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI do not see the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group on the current row in a table.
variantI do not see the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI do not see the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in table details area.
variantI do not see the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in a section in table details area.
variantI do not see the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI do not see the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in a section in an active tab labeled tab.


I see that the radio_button radio button is selected
Verifies the radio_button is selected.
variantI see that the radio_button radio button is selected in the section section
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see that the radio_button radio button is selected in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see that the radio_button radio button is selected in the table table
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see that the radio_button radio button is selected on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the radio button on the current row in a table.
variantI see that the radio_button radio button is selected on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the radio button on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see that the radio_button radio button is selected in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the radio button in table details area.
variantI see that the radio_button radio button is selected in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a section in table details area.
variantI see that the radio_button radio button is selected in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the radio button in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see that the radio_button radio button is selected in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see that the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group is selected
Verifies the radio_button is selected.
variantI see that the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group is selected in the section section
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see that the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group is selected in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see that the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group is selected in the table table
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see that the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group is selected on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group on the current row in a table.
variantI see that the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group is selected on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see that the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group is selected in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in table details area.
variantI see that the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group is selected in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in a section in table details area.
variantI see that the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group is selected in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see that the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group is selected in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see that the radio_button radio button is not selected
Verifies the radio_button is selected.
variantI see that the radio_button radio button is not selected in the section section
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see that the radio_button radio button is not selected in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see that the radio_button radio button is not selected in the table table
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see that the radio_button radio button is not selected on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the radio button on the current row in a table.
variantI see that the radio_button radio button is not selected on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the radio button on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see that the radio_button radio button is not selected in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the radio button in table details area.
variantI see that the radio_button radio button is not selected in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a section in table details area.
variantI see that the radio_button radio button is not selected in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the radio button in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see that the radio_button radio button is not selected in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see that the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group is not selected
Verifies the radio_button is selected.
variantI see that the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group is not selected in the section section
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see that the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group is not selected in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see that the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group is not selected in the table table
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI see that the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group is not selected on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group on the current row in a table.
variantI see that the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group is not selected on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI see that the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group is not selected in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in table details area.
variantI see that the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group is not selected in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in a section in table details area.
variantI see that the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group is not selected in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see that the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group is not selected in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in a section in an active tab labeled tab.


I click the radio_button radio button
Clicks the radio_button.
variantI click the radio_button radio button in the section section
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI click the radio_button radio button in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI click the radio_button radio button in the table table
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI click the radio_button radio button on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the radio button on the current row in a table.
variantI click the radio_button radio button on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the radio button on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI click the radio_button radio button in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the radio button in table details area.
variantI click the radio_button radio button in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a section in table details area.
variantI click the radio_button radio button in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the radio button in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI click the radio_button radio button in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I click the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group
Clicks the radio_button.
variantI click the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group in the section section
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI click the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI click the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group in the table table
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI click the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group on the current row in a table.
variantI click the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI click the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in table details area.
variantI click the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in a section in table details area.
variantI click the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI click the radio_button radio button in the group radio button group in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the radio button in a radio button group in a section in an active tab labeled tab.


Steps for interacting with Maximo drilldowns.

Entry matching is done by comparing the specified entry value with the beginning part of Maximo drilldown entries. Thus you don't have to supply the entire entry name for a match to occur. For example, Maximo drilldown entry BR210:Fan #1 will be matched by BR210: (the colon is included to avoid accidental matching with, for example, BR2101: Fan #101 if such exists).

If you need to target an entry that is a child of a specific parent, put the parent's name (or a front part of it) followed by the slash / in front of the entry. For example, if you need to target the entry BR210:Fan #1 under BR200:HVAC, then you may use BR200: / 'BR210:Fan #1'. You may add parent's parent the same way for even more precise targeting. If an entry includes '/' character, surround the entry with quotes. If it also include a quote, double the quote. For example: entry BR/100'05 should either be 'BR/100''05' in the step, or "BR/100'05"

To target an entry at the root of the drilldown, prefix it with a slash /. For example, if BR200:HVAC is at the root, it will be matched by / BR200:HVAC.


Steps for checking presence (or absence) of drilldowns and their entries.

When matching entries only the visible entries will be considered. Expand parent entries if necessary.

I see a drilldown
Checks that a drilldown appears on the page / dialog.
variantI see a drilldown in the section section
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see a drilldown in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see a drilldown in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see a drilldown in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I do not see a drilldown
Checks that a drilldown appears on the page / dialog.
variantI do not see a drilldown in the section section
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI do not see a drilldown in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI do not see a drilldown in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI do not see a drilldown in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see the entry entry in the drilldown
Checks that the entry is present in the drilldown.
variantI see the entry entry in the drilldown in the section section
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see the entry entry in the drilldown in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see the entry entry in the drilldown in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see the entry entry in the drilldown in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I do not see the entry entry in the drilldown
Checks that the entry is not present in the drilldown.
variantI do not see the entry entry in the drilldown in the section section
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI do not see the entry entry in the drilldown in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI do not see the entry entry in the drilldown in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI do not see the entry entry in the drilldown in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see the following entries in the drilldown:
Checks presence of drilldown entries specified in the parameter table.
variantI see the following entries in the drilldown in the section section:
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see the following entries in the drilldown in the section section in the parent_section section:
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see the following entries in the drilldown in the tab tab:
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see the following entries in the drilldown in the section section in the tab tab:
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I do not see the following entries in the drilldown:
Verifies that the drilldown entries specified in the parameter table are not present.
variantI do not see the following entries in the drilldown in the section section:
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI do not see the following entries in the drilldown in the section section in the parent_section section:
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI do not see the following entries in the drilldown in the tab tab:
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI do not see the following entries in the drilldown in the section section in the tab tab:
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see the following entries under the parent_entry entry in the drilldown:
Checks presence of drilldown entries specified in the parameter table under the given parent_entry.
variantI see the following entries under the parent_entry entry in the drilldown in the section section:
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see the following entries under the parent_entry entry in the drilldown in the section section in the parent_section section:
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see the following entries under the parent_entry entry in the drilldown in the tab tab:
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see the following entries under the parent_entry entry in the drilldown in the section section in the tab tab:
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I do not see the following entries under the parent_entry entry in the drilldown:
Verifies that the drilldown entries specified in the parameter table are not present under the parent_entry.
variantI do not see the following entries under the parent_entry entry in the drilldown in the section section:
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI do not see the following entries under the parent_entry entry in the drilldown in the section section in the parent_section section:
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI do not see the following entries under the parent_entry entry in the drilldown in the tab tab:
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI do not see the following entries under the parent_entry entry in the drilldown in the section section in the tab tab:
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I only see the following entries in the drilldown:
Confirms that only the entries specified in the parameter table are present in the drilldown top level entries.

Nested entries are not checked. The entries must match in their entirety.

variantI only see the following entries in the drilldown in the section section:
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI only see the following entries in the drilldown in the section section in the parent_section section:
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI only see the following entries in the drilldown in the tab tab:
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI only see the following entries in the drilldown in the section section in the tab tab:
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I only see the following entries under the parent_entry entry in the drilldown:
Confirms that only the entries specified in the parameter table are present in the drilldown under the given parent_entry.

Nested entries are not checked. The entries must match in their entirety.

variantI only see the following entries under the parent_entry entry in the drilldown in the section section:
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI only see the following entries under the parent_entry entry in the drilldown in the section section in the parent_section section:
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI only see the following entries under the parent_entry entry in the drilldown in the tab tab:
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI only see the following entries under the parent_entry entry in the drilldown in the section section in the tab tab:
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see that the entry entry has no child entries in the drilldown
Verifies that the entry has no child entries.
variantI see that the entry entry has no child entries in the drilldown in the section section
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see that the entry entry has no child entries in the drilldown in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see that the entry entry has no child entries in the drilldown in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see that the entry entry has no child entries in the drilldown in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

Activating / Choosing

Steps for activating and choosing drilldown entries.

I see that the entry entry is active in the drilldown
Confirms that the drilldown entry is active.
variantI see that the entry entry is active in the drilldown in the section section
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see that the entry entry is active in the drilldown in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see that the entry entry is active in the drilldown in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see that the entry entry is active in the drilldown in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see that the entry entry is not active in the drilldown
Confirms that the drilldown entry is not active.
variantI see that the entry entry is not active in the drilldown in the section section
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see that the entry entry is not active in the drilldown in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see that the entry entry is not active in the drilldown in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see that the entry entry is not active in the drilldown in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I activate the entry entry in the drilldown
Activate the drilldown entry. The step will click the entry text, which will make it active.
variantI activate the entry entry in the drilldown in the section section
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI activate the entry entry in the drilldown in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI activate the entry entry in the drilldown in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI activate the entry entry in the drilldown in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I choose the entry entry in the drilldown
Chooses the drilldown entry. The step will click the blue square next to the entry text, which will select the entry and close the dialog.
variantI choose the entry entry in the drilldown in the section section
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI choose the entry entry in the drilldown in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI choose the entry entry in the drilldown in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI choose the entry entry in the drilldown in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

Showing / Hiding

Steps for expanding and collapsing drilldown entries.

I see that the entry entry is showing its child entries in the drilldown
Verifies that the entry is showing its child entries, i.e. it is expanded.
variantI see that the entry entry is showing its child entries in the drilldown in the section section
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see that the entry entry is showing its child entries in the drilldown in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see that the entry entry is showing its child entries in the drilldown in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see that the entry entry is showing its child entries in the drilldown in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I see that the entry entry is hiding its child entries in the drilldown
Verifies that the entry is hiding its child entries, i.e. it is collapsed.
variantI see that the entry entry is hiding its child entries in the drilldown in the section section
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see that the entry entry is hiding its child entries in the drilldown in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI see that the entry entry is hiding its child entries in the drilldown in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI see that the entry entry is hiding its child entries in the drilldown in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I make sure that the entry entry is showing its child entries in the drilldown
Makes sure the entry is showing its child entries, i.e. clicks the + in front of it.

Does nothing if the entry is already showing its child entries or has no child entries.

variantI make sure that the entry entry is showing its child entries in the drilldown in the section section
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI make sure that the entry entry is showing its child entries in the drilldown in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI make sure that the entry entry is showing its child entries in the drilldown in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI make sure that the entry entry is showing its child entries in the drilldown in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I make sure that the entry entry is hiding its child entries in the drilldown
Makes sure the entry is hiding its child entries, i.e. clicks the - in front of it.

Does nothing if the entry is already hiding its child entries or has no child entries.

variantI make sure that the entry entry is hiding its child entries in the drilldown in the section section
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI make sure that the entry entry is hiding its child entries in the drilldown in the section section in the parent_section section
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI make sure that the entry entry is hiding its child entries in the drilldown in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI make sure that the entry entry is hiding its child entries in the drilldown in the section section in the tab tab
Use this step variant to target the drilldown in a section in an active tab labeled tab.


Steps for attachments paper clip.

Steps for the clickable label Attachments (appearing next to the attachments paper clip in Maximo applications) is located in Clickable Labels below.


Steps for checking attachments paper clip presence (or absence).

I see the attachments paper clip
Checks that the attachment paper clip is present.
variantI see the attachments paper clip in the section section
Use this step variant to target the attachments paper clip in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see the attachments paper clip in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the attachments paper clip in table details area.
variantI see the attachments paper clip in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the attachments paper clip in a section in table details area.

I do not see the attachments paper clip
Checks that the attachment paper clip is not present.
variantI do not see the attachments paper clip in the section section
Use this step variant to target the attachments paper clip in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI do not see the attachments paper clip in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the attachments paper clip in table details area.
variantI do not see the attachments paper clip in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the attachments paper clip in a section in table details area.


Steps for clicking the attachments paper clip.

I click the attachments paper clip
Clicks the attachment paper clip.
variantI click the attachments paper clip in the section section
Use this step variant to target the attachments paper clip in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI click the attachments paper clip in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the attachments paper clip in table details area.
variantI click the attachments paper clip in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the attachments paper clip in a section in table details area.

Clickable Labels

Steps for clickable labels such as the Attachments label next to the attachments paper clip.

Steps for the attachments paper clip are located in Attachments above.


Steps for checking clickable label presence (or absence).

I see the label clickable label
Checks that the clickable label is present.
variantI see the label clickable label in the section section
Use this step variant to target the clickable label in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI see the label clickable label in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the clickable label in table details area.
variantI see the label clickable label in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the clickable label in a section in table details area.

I do not see the label clickable label
Checks that the clickable label is not present.
variantI do not see the label clickable label in the section section
Use this step variant to target the clickable label in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI do not see the label clickable label in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the clickable label in table details area.
variantI do not see the label clickable label in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the clickable label in a section in table details area.


Steps for clicking the attachments paper clip.

I click the label clickable label
Clicks the clickable label.
variantI click the label clickable label in the section section
Use this step variant to target the clickable label in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI click the label clickable label in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the clickable label in table details area.
variantI click the label clickable label in the section section in the table table details
Use this step variant to target the clickable label in a section in table details area.


Steps for targeting menu items appearing on pop up menus such as those displayed when activating field details.

I click menu item item
Clicks the specified menu item. If supplied with menu items separated by /, it will drill in through the menus.

I only see these menu items:
Checks that the currently displayed manu contains only the specified items. The supplied table should have only one column listing the expected menu items.


Steps for dialogs.

I see the title dialog
Checks that the dialog has the expected title

I do not see a dialog
Checks that no dialog is displayed.

I wait for the dialog to disappear
Waits for a dialog to disappear.


Steps for messages of various kinds.

System Messages

Steps for Maximo messages presented as a pop up message.

I see the message system message
Checks if the system message is displayed.

The step will succeed if the message matches in its entirety or the specified message is found in the displayed message.

If the message has multiple lines, use to indicate where line breaks will appear.

I see a system message
Confirms that a system message is displayed.

I do not see a system message
Confirms that a system message is not displayed.

Flash Messages

Flash messages are displayed briefly at the top of Maximo application screen, similar to the messages informing about a successful saving of a record.

I see the flash message message
Confirms that the flash message is displayed.

I record the flash message as variable
Records the content of the flash message as the variable.


Steps for Maximo tooltips - these are the popups appearing after clicking a field error indicator and similar.

I see a tooltip message with the text text
Verifies that a tooltip message is displayed with the specified text exactly
variantI see a tooltip message with text that includes text
Verifies that a tooltip message is displayed with text that includes text

Start Centers

Steps for Maximo Start Centers.

I see the Start Center
Confirms that the Start Center is currently displayed.


I do not see the path application
Makes sure that the application path is not present in the Go To menu. The path is a list of menu items (separated by /) required to click through in order to get to the application in the Go To menu.

I see that the application path appears immediately position the application sibling in the Go To menu

Verifies that the application identified by the path appears either immediately above or below (as specified by position) relative to another application (sibling).

Note that the sibling application is specified by its name and not the full path to it in the Go To menu.


Then I see that the application Administration / Resources / People appears immediately above the application Labor in the Go To menu

I see that the application path appears position in the Go To menu

Verifies that the application identified by the path appears either first or last (as specified by position) in the Go To menu.


Then I see that the application Administration / Resources / Labor appears last in the Go To menu

Header Links

I click the header_link start center header link
Clicks a start center header link, such as Create New Template.


I click the button button in the portlet portlet on the Start Center
Clicks the button in the Start Center portlet.

I click the link link in the portlet portlet on the Start Center
Clicks the link in the Start Center portlet.


On-screen messages

Steps for displaying messages that will appear on screenshots and videos. Useful for annotating scenarios execution, e.g. when developing training vidoes.

I display the onscreen message message
Use to display on-screen message visible on testgrinder screenshots and videos. The message will appear at the bottom of the screen and remain there for 5 seconds. Use one of the step variants to control the message position and timeout.
variantI display the onscreen message message at the top of the screen
Use to display the message at the top of the screen.
variantI display the onscreen message message in the middle of the screen
Use to display the message in the middle of the screen.
variantI display the onscreen message message at the bottom of the screen
Use to display the message at the bottom of the screen.
variantI display the onscreen message message for timeout seconds
Use to display the message for timeout seconds.
variantI display the onscreen message message at the top of the screen for timeout seconds
Use to display the message at the top of the screen for timeout seconds.
variantI display the onscreen message message in the middle of the screen for timeout seconds
Use to display the message in the middle of the screen for timeout seconds.
variantI display the onscreen message message at the bottom of the screen for timeout seconds
Use to display the message at the bottom of the screen for timeout seconds.

I display the following onscreen message:
Use to display on-screen message visible on testgrinder screenshots and videos. The message will appear at the bottom of the screen and remain there for 5 seconds. Use one of the step variants to control the message position and timeout.
variantI display the following onscreen message at the top of the screen:
Use to display the message at the top of the screen.
variantI display the following onscreen message in the middle of the screen:
Use to display the message in the middle of the screen.
variantI display the following onscreen message at the bottom of the screen:
Use to display the message at the bottom of the screen.
variantI display the following onscreen message for timeout seconds:
Use to display the message for timeout seconds.
variantI display the following onscreen message at the top of the screen for timeout seconds:
Use to display the message at the top of the screen for timeout seconds.
variantI display the following onscreen message in the middle of the screen for timeout seconds:
Use to display the message in the middle of the screen for timeout seconds.
variantI display the following onscreen message at the bottom of the screen for timeout seconds:
Use to display the message at the bottom of the screen for timeout seconds.

I wait for the onscreen message to disappear
Use this step to wait for an on-screen message to disappear.

Browser window/tab management

Steps for managing browser windows and tabs.

I close the last browser tab
Use this step to close the last browser tab and activate the previous tab. The step will not allow you to close the last remaining window/tab.

Steps controlling scenario execution

Steps for controlling how scenarios execute.

I wait for period seconds
Pause for period seconds. This step will not trigger browser timeout. Maximum allowed period is 600 seconds (10 minutes).

I change the browser timeout setting to period seconds
Override browser timeout setting to period seconds. The valid range is from 1 to 600 seconds.

I reset the browser timeout setting to the default value
Reset browser timeout setting to the default value


Steps for interacting with downloaded files.

I see the file downloaded file
Verifies that the file is present among the downloaded files.

I see that the contents of the file downloaded file matches the contents of the other file
Verifies that the content of the downloaded file matches the other file.


Steps for emulating keyboard button presses.

I press the key key
Presses a single key or a named key on the keyboard.

Supported named keys are: Tab, Enter, Escape, Space, Backspace, Delete, Page Up, Page Down, End, Home, Left, Right, Up, Down, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12.

I press the key key while holding the modifier key
Presses a single key or a named key while holding a modifier key on the keyboard.

Note: for capital letters, instead of sending a lowercase letter while holding shift, send the uppercase letter.

Supported named keys are: Tab, Enter, Escape, Space, Backspace, Delete, Page Up, Page Down, End, Home, Left, Right, Up, Down, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12.

Supported modifier: Shift, Control, Alt

Failure Expectations

A failure expectation extends only to the step following the step setting up the expectation. The failure expectation is turned off once it's been applied to the next step, regardless of whether the next step met the expectation. The next step will succeed if the expectation condition is satisfied. The next step will fail if the expectation condition is not satisfied including if the next step actually succeeds rather than fails.

I expect the next step to fail with the error message error
This step will setup the expectation that the next step will fail with the exact error
variantI expect the next step to fail with an error message containing fragment
This step will setup the expectation that the next step will fail with an error message containing the fragment
variantI expect the next step to fail with an error message matching regexp
This step will setup the expectation that the next step will fail with an error message matching the regexp regular expression


Variables allow manipulating with values before they are used in steps.

Variables have the format of [name] where name is the variable name. Variable names are case sensitive.

Variables may be used as part of any step parameter that expects a string.

For example, if you need to target a table whose label includes the work order number then you can do this:

Then I record the value in the 'Work Order' field as [Work Order]
 And I only see these columns in this order in the 'Tasks for Work Order [Work Order]' table:
  | column             |
  | Sequence           |
  | ...                |

In this example the value of the Work Order field is stored in the variable [Work Order] and then it is used to target the table whose name includes the work order number.


Steps for recording values in variables.

I record the value in the field field as variable
Records the value in the field in a variable with name variable.
variantI record the value in the field field in the section section as variable
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI record the value in the field field in the section section in the parent_section section as variable
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI record the value in the field field in the table table as variable
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI record the value in the field field on the current row in the table table as variable
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI record the value in the field field on the position row in the table table as variable
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI record the value in the field field in the table table details as variable
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI record the value in the field field in the section section in the table table details as variable
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI record the value in the field field in the tab tab as variable
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI record the value in the field field in the section section in the tab tab as variable
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I record the value in the description field of the field field as variable
Records the value in the description field of the field in a variable with name variable.
variantI record the value in the description field of the field field in the section section as variable
Use this step variant to target the field in a section. Replace section with the section label, or to target the unlabeled section found at the top of most application screens use top, header, unnamed, or unlabeled for section.
variantI record the value in the description field of the field field in the section section in the parent_section section as variable
Use this step variant to target the field in a section inside of another (parent) section.
variantI record the value in the description field of the field field in the table table as variable
Use this step variant to target the field in a table. Replace table with the table label, or, if the table is unlabeled, use unnamed or unlabeled.
variantI record the value in the description field of the field field on the current row in the table table as variable
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI record the value in the description field of the field field on the position row in the table table as variable
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.

variantI record the value in the description field of the field field in the table table details as variable
Use this step variant to target the field in table details area.
variantI record the value in the description field of the field field in the section section in the table table details as variable
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in table details area.
variantI record the value in the description field of the field field in the tab tab as variable
Use this step variant to target the field in an active tab labeled tab.
variantI record the value in the description field of the field field in the section section in the tab tab as variable
Use this step variant to target the field in a section in an active tab labeled tab.

I record value as variable
Stores the value in the variable.

I record seconds since Epoch as variable
Records number of seconds since Epoch (January 1, 1970) in variable. This is a good way to obtain a unique number (may not be unique within a second) that is always increasing. The value as of 2/15/2014 8:31pm is 1392514287.

I record a unique 10 digit number as variable
Records a 10 digit number in variable. The value is unique (may not be unique within a second) and is increasing over time.

I record a random digits digit number as variable
Records a pseudo random number of length digits in the variable.


Matching is done with help of regular expressions (regexp for short).

You may find this tool helpful for testing regular expressions as you write them: http://rubular.com/

I see that value matches regexp
Verifies that the value matches the regular expression regexp.
variantI see that value matches regexp and record the matching part as variable
Verifies that the value matches the regular expression regexp and records the matching part in variable. If the regular expression has a match group (a part of the regular expression in round parenthesis), only the value of the match group will be recorded.


I record today's date as variable
Records today's date in variable.

I record current date/time as variable
Records current date/time in variable.

I record the date years years from now as variable
Calculates a date years from now and stores it into the variable.

I record the date years years ago as variable
Calculates a date years ago and stores it into the variable.

I record the date days days from now as variable
Calculates a date days from now and stores it into the variable.

I record the date days days ago as variable
Calculates a date days ago and stores it into the variable.

I convert maximo date time datetime to maximo date and record it as variable
Converts maximo datetime into a date and stores it into variable.


Steps to manipulate on numbers. Step arguments will be evaluated numerically, i.e. 1,000.0 will be considered equal to 1000.

I add the numeric value A to the numeric value B and record the result as variable
Adds A to B and stores the result in variable.
variantI subtract from the numeric value A the numeric value B and record the result as variable
Adds A to B and stores the result in variable.
variantI divide the numeric value A by the numeric value B and record the result as variable
Adds A to B and stores the result in variable.
variantI multiply the numeric value A by the numeric value B and record the result as variable
Adds A to B and stores the result in variable.

I see that the numeric value A is equal to the numeric value B
Verifies the values A and B are numerically equal.
variantI see that the numeric value A is less than the numeric value B
Verifies the value A is less than B numerically.
variantI see that the numeric value A is greater than the numeric value B
Verifies the value A is greater than B numerically.
variantI see that the numeric value A is less than or equal to the numeric value B
Verifies the value A is less than or equal to B numerically.
variantI see that the numeric value A is greater than or equal to the numeric value B
Verifies the value A is greater than or equal to B numerically.
variantI see that the numeric value A is not equal to the numeric value B
Verifies the value A and B are not numerically equal.


This section covers steps designed to work with MIF.

I verify that MIF is accessible
Use this step to verify that MIF is accessible. If the step fails, make sure that MIF URL parameter is configured for the target system.

I call the webservice webservice in order to add a object record with the following values:
Use this step to call Maximo webservice in order to add object record with the specified values.

The parameter table should have attribute names in the first column and their values in the second.


Steps that have been deprecated. Avoid their use as they will be removed at some point.


These steps are still available but their use is discouraged.

I make sure that the table table is expanded


Use instead:

I make sure that the (table) table is maximized

I enter value into the field field on the current record in the table table


Use instead:

I enter (value) into the (field) field on the current row in the (table) table

I see the value value in the field field on the current record of the table table


Use instead:

I see the value (value) in the (field) field on the current row in the (table) table

I see the value value in the field field on the current record in the table table


Use instead:

I see the value (value) in the (field) field on the current row in the (table) table

I select the position record in the table table


Use instead:

I choose the (position) row in the (table) table

I see count records in the table table


Use instead:

I see (count) visible rows in the (table) table

I see count total number of records in the table table


Use instead:

I see (count) total number of rows in the (table) table

I record the total number of records in the table table as variable


Use instead:

I record the total number of rows in the (table) as (variable)

I click the trash can on the current record in the table table


Use instead:

I click the trash can on the current row in the (table) table

I see fields input mode on the current record in the table table as:


Use instead:

I see fields input mode on the current row in the (table) table as:

I select the position row in the table table


Use instead:

I choose the (position) row in the (table) table

I only see the following records in the table table:


Use instead:

I only see the following rows in the (table) table:

I enter the following values in the table table details:


Use instead:

I enter these values in the following fields in the (table) table details:

I record the value in the column column on the position row of the table table as variable


Use instead:

I record the value in the (field) field on the (row) row of the (table) table as (variable) 

I click the button button on the current record in the table table


Use instead:

I click the (button) button on the current row in the (table) table 

I record the value in the field field on the current row of the table table as variable


Use instead:

I record the value in the (field) field on the current row in the (table) table as (variable) 

I activate the detail menu for the field field on the current record in the table table


Use instead:

I activate the detail menu for the (field) field on the current row in the (table) table 

I only see these fields in this order on the current record in the table table:


Use instead:

I only see these fields in this order on the current row in the (table) table:

I do not see fields on the current record in the table table:


Use instead:

I do not see fields on the current row in the (table) table:

I see an empty value in the description field of the field field on the current record of the table table


Use instead:

I see an empty value in the description field of the (field) field on the current row in the (table) table 

I see the value value in the description field of the field field on the current record of the table table


Use instead:

I see the value (value) in the description field of the (field) field on the current row in the (table) table 

I see a detail menu for the field field on the current record of the table table


Use instead:

I see a detail menu for the (field) field on the current row in the (table) table 

I do not see a detail menu for the field field on the current record of the table table


Use instead:

I do not see a detail menu for the (field) field on the current row in the (table) table 

I click the header_link header link


Use instead:

I click the (link) titlebar link 


I click the (button) titlebar button

I click the titlebarlink title bar link


Use instead:

I click the (link) titlebar link 


I click the (button) titlebar button

I click the link in the field field
Clicks the link in the field.
variantI click the link in the field field on the current row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the current row in a table.
variantI click the link in the field field on the position row in the table table
Use this step variant to target the field on the position row in a table.

position can be one of: first, second, third, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.