
Maximo Testing

Fast, Frequent, and Efficient Maximo Testing

testgrinder is a tool that can help you test your Maximo system in a way that mimics human interaction with Maximo - solely through the browser. It moves the mouse, clicks buttons, and fills in fields just like a human tester would. It performs these tasks tirelessly, generating a comprehensive report with screenshots and video to provide a clear understanding of the testing process. You can even watch the tests run live.

With testgrinder, you can write your scripts once and run them as often as you like with a single click of a button. Running the test suite often ensures that your Maximo system continues to perform as expected. If you make a system change, install a Maximo fixpack, upgrade the database, or make any change that may impact your Maximo, you can easily confirm that no regressions were introduced by running the entire test suite. testgrinder makes retesting quick and simple, so you can easily verify that your Maximo system remains stable and reliable over time. Use the calculator below to estimate the savings you may achieve by using testgrinder for frequent retesting of your Maximo.

With testgrinder's ability to run multiple scenarios simultaneously, you can execute your test suite not only quickly but also ensure that your Maximo system can handle a high volume of use.

testgrinder's scripts are written in a way that is easy to understand, so your Maximo users will have no trouble trusting the test suite.

Scripts designed for easy comprehension

testgrinder scripts are designed to be easily understood, even by those without special knowledge. Take a look at the example provided - it's simple and straightforward to understand. Your own scenarios will be just as easy for others to interpret. testgrinder comes with a comprehensive library of steps for interacting with Maximo from which you can build your own scripts.

Script: Assets - Actions - Change Status
 Scenario: Assets - Actions - Change Status - Active
 Given I login to Maximo as User
 And I go to the Assets / Assets application
 And I click the 'New Asset' toolbar button
 And I enter 'Test Asset' in the description field of the 'Asset' field
 And I successfully save the record
 When I select action 'Change Status'
 And I select Active in the dropdown list for the 'New Status' field
 And I click the OK button
 Then I see the value ACTIVE in the Status field
 And I logout

Viewer-friendly run reports

A testgrinder run generates a shareable report with screenshots for each step and a video recording of the entire scenario. Click below to view the report for the example scenario in testgrinder:

testgrinder run report

View the run report

testgrinder Advantage Calculator

Estimate testgrinder's potential savings for recurring runs of your Test Suite.

Tell us about your scenario:

Use the slider to select the number of tests in your Test Suite.
Average number of elementary Maximo actions per test.
Target frequency for running the complete Test Suite per year.
Average time to execute and document a step manually in seconds.
Team members involved in executing tests.
Total cost of one person running tests for one hour.

Manually Conducted Testing:

Total effort in man-hours required to execute all scenarios in your Test Suite (Tests * Steps per Test * Manual Time per Step).
Time required to complete all scenarios in the Test Suite (Manual Effort / Test Executors).
Labor cost of executing the entire Test Suite (Manual Effort * Hourly Labor Cost).
Annual labor cost of running Test Suite at the target frequency (Execution Cost * Runs per Year).

testgrinder Automated Testing:

Quantity of testgrinder script runners (tg-bot) utilized during test execution.
Duration needed for testgrinder to finish the entire Test Suite (Total Test Suite Steps * 5 seconds / Script Runners).

testgrinder SaaS:

Quantity of subscribed Users, with unlimited Viewers. Includes access to a maximum of 200 Script Runners (tg-bot) at no additional cost.
Annual time savings compared to the manual execution ((Manual Execution Time - testgrinder Test Suite Runtime) * Runs per Year).
Annual testgrinder SaaS subscription cost (Users * Annual Cost per User of $4,788 ).
Cost savings compared to the manual execution (Annual Manual Test Suite Execution Cost - Annual testgrinder SaaS Subscription Cost).

testgrinder SMPC:

Quantity of testgrinder application servers (tg-app). Recommended: 2, but 1 may be acceptable for smaller deployments.
Annual time savings compared to the manual execution ((Manual Execution Time - testgrinder Test Suite Runtime) * Runs per Year).
Annual testgrinder SMPC fees (Application Servers * Application Server (tg-app) annual fee of $7,000 + Script Runners * (Test Suite Runtime + 20%) * Hourly Script Runner (tg-bot) * Runs per Year * cost of $1.00).
Cost savings compared to the manual execution (Annual Manual Test Suite Execution Cost - Annual testgrinder SMPC Cost).
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